Get To Know UsI-LIGHT envisions a scalable and sustainable leadership model that fosters community-based volunteers who engage with their communities to enable free, equitable basic education, nutrition, and mental wellbeing for the children that need it most across the globe.
Our MissionTo create an environment where underprivileged children develop skills that allow them to realize their full potential for education, health, character development, and economic opportunity.
Our VisionPartner with volunteers, communities, schools, and charities to guide underprivileged children so that they develop skills with a focus on health in today’s environment for a successful tomorrow.
Only a life lived for others is worth
I LIGHT GLOBAL believes every underprivileged child deserves a future. In the U.S. and around the world, we give underprivileged children a healthy start in life.
Social Policy Initiatives
√ Making an impact |
Youth create waves of change
√ Help us to help them |
Pioneering From Young Life
We want to do more and you can help. By committing a small fraction. √ Create waves of change √ Integrated Health & Nutrition |
For those helpless childrensand people who need it every minitues.
Mr. Shailesh Gupta
TREASURE Passionate about providing free education to the children of the world.
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Dr. Rajeev Nagpal
EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR Visionary Leader and solution provider in improving global pediatric health challenges.
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Vinod Sharma
PRESIDENT Mr. Vinod Sharma has been a torch bearer in providing innovative solutions
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